
Development of Public Research Infrastructure and Creation of New Infrastructures – Phased Project

Project SMIS 2014+: 107124 “Development of public research infrastructure, development, and creation of new infrastructures” funded under the Sectoral Operational Programme for Increasing Economic Competitiveness 2007-2013 and the Operational Programme Competitiveness 2014-2020, implemented by the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences. The Romanian Government supports the…

The Ministry of Health’s Sectoral Research Plan.

Ministry of Health has published on its website the sectoral research plan in the medical field. This research program will be carried out through the Academy of Medical Sciences, which is, according to Law 264/2004, subordinated to the Ministry of Health and the health authority…

Development of Skills in Transplantation (DCT)

Project POSDRU 186/3.2/155295 “Development of Skills in Transplantation” (2015-2016), funded under the Sectoral Operational Program Human Resources Development 2007-2013, implemented by the Academy of Medical Sciences. The training and specialization of medical personnel in the field of transplantation, alongside the establishment of an efficient system…

Sectoral Research and Development Plan for Medicine (2014-2020)

Published on January 7, 2014 The Health Strategy (2014-2020) is the result of an endeavor that led to the construction of a unified strategy, a strategy that was built in accordance with the Europe 2020 Strategy. A dual approach was considered, and thematic committees were…

Sectoral Research and Development Plan for Medicine (2007-2013)

Sectoral Research and Development Plan for Medicine (2007-2013)   The Academy of Medical Sciences became involved in 2005 within a contract with the Ministry of Education and Research) C.N.C.S.I.S. (National Council for Scientific Research in Higher Education) in the project: “Elaboration of the National Strategy…

Research and Development Strategies

Prof. Dr. D. Enescu, in 2012, represented the academia in the Thematic Consultative Committee on Health Services (CCTTSS) coordinated in partnership by the Ministry of European Affairs and the Ministry of Health, where there are 4 working groups that assist in creating the medium and…

The Excellence Research Program CEEX Health

Through Government Decision no. 368/28.04.2005, the Excellence Scientific Research Program-CEEX for the period 2005-2008 was approved, a program primarily funded from the state budget and centrally coordinated by the National Authority for Scientific Research. Within this program, the specific main objectives of the CEEX program…


The second scientific research program coordinated by the Academy of Medical Sciences (A.S.M.) and the first strictly medical-themed program was titled the National Research-Development-Innovation Program for Life and Health “VIASAN”. During the period 2001-2006, the Romanian Government, through the Ministry of Research and under the…