
Management of the Medical Science Academy

Prof. Dr. Mircea BEURAN

Prof. Dr. Ion BRUCKNER
Prof. Dr. Florian POPA
Prof. Dr. Virgil PĂUNESCU

General secretary
Prof. Dr. Emanoil CEAUȘU

Scientific Council
Executive vicepresident – Prof.Dr. Mircea Beuran
Vicepresident – Prof.Dr. Dan Mircea Enescu
Vicepresident – Prof.Dr. Virgil Păunescu
General Secretary – Prof.Dr. Emanoil Ceaușu

President București branch – Acad. Victor Voicu
President Craiova branch – Prof.Dr. Tudorel Ciurea
President Tărgu Mureș branch – Prof.Dr. Radu Deac
President Cluj branch- Prof.Dr. Alexandru Irimie
President Timișoara branch- Prof.Dr. Virgil Păunescu
President Iași branch – Prof.Dr. Carol Stanciu

Administrative staff
Ec. Aureliana Guadelia Cojocea – Economic Manager
Ec. Ioan Dumitru Vlădulescu – Chief Accountant
Ștefania Grozea – Referent I A